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The queen nods. “I thought this may be the case. I admit I am not a trained warrior as you are, but I know good strategy, and it would be silly not to use your knowledge to our advantage. But I want to make sure you know that if you choose not to do this, we would be fine coming up with a strategy on our own. The last thing I wish is for you to feel that we are using you, Poppy.”
I feel my eyebrows crease and shake my head in denial. “I would never think such a thing, Mother.”
“Okay, as long as you are sure?” She pauses so I can nod my assurance and then continues with a smile, “Good. I think I already know who this team will consist of, but why don’t you tell me who they will be anyway?”
There is no hesitation. I know who I want on my team and who I will always trust to be at my back. “Reed, Holly, Gideon, Thorne, and Willow.”
“There is no way Willow…”
“That Halfling?”
“Now wait a minute…”
I am not surprised either by the protest and arguments that meet my ears as soon as the last word leaves my mouth. The queen’s smile shows that she is not surprised by this either. We both sit silently for a moment, listening to all of their reasons until I finally decide it is time to intervene when Willow shoots me a pleading look.
“That is enough.”
My words are drowned out by the arguing. I have to almost shout to be heard. “I said. That. Is. Enough!”
I glance at my mother who smiles in approval, then I turn back to my friends. “I know you all have concerns, but that is not your job. I am going to be your commander, and you will follow my orders.”
“But this Halfling.” Gideon gestures at Reed. “He is not one of us and is not trained to fight properly.”
“I thought we already discussed this, Gideon?” I raise my eyebrow in question before speaking again. “You will not call him that. His name is Reed, and I expect you to use it. I have fought with Reed — he does not need any more training than you do. Ask Holly.” I make sure to smile at her when I say this. Things are better now, but I do not want to take any steps back by unintentionally offending her.
Gideon looks at her questioningly, and thank goodness she does not get angry. “He is a strong fighter and will have no trouble fighting with us.” That is all she says, but I see her and Reed wink at each other. No hard feelings.
This seems to satisfy one of his concerns but not the other. “Fine. But what about Willow? She is not a fighter and would only get hurt.” This time I can hear the pleading in his voice, and I feel sorry for him, but I cannot hold Willow back.
“Willow will not be on the front line, but I want to make sure she is properly trained. She will also help with healing and planning. She is a member of this team and will be used to the best of her abilities.” Gideon begins to open his mouth again, but I cut him off before he can speak. “Willow is the only one that will speak for her own well-being. If she does not wish to be a part of this team, then that is fine, but I will not tell her she cannot be. She will be an asset to this team.”
Everyone turns to Willow when I finish speaking.
A slight blush creeps up her cheeks, but then she juts out her small chin and straightens her back. “I wish to be a part of the team.” She does not look at anyone but me, and I know that she is avoiding Gideon’s gaze. His feelings, whatever they may be, are becoming more apparent.
Great. I do not even know how to deal with my own feelings, much less someone else’s. I shake my head and notice that Reed is looking at me with a knowing smirk on his face, getting the sense once again that he knows my thoughts. Offering a weak smile, I refocus on the group.
“Any more issues?”
There is a chorus of “no,” which satisfies me. I turn back to my mother to seek her approval. “Will this be okay?”
“Yes. I trust you, Poppy, and I also trust your judgment. Do what you need to do.” She turns her attention to Gideon. “I have not had a second in command since Damien’s betrayal, and I think it is time that I officially appoint someone. Gideon, you have been acting in that place for some time now, and if you would like the position, I would like to officially make you my second in command. You will only follow the command of myself and of your princess. Will you accept?”
I smile broadly, agreeing with my mother’s choice. Gideon is smart and fierce, but he also cares dearly for his queen and his Court. He will make a wonderful second in command. It is clear the others agree as well. Holly and Thorne both have looks of respect and pride on their faces, and Willow has tears in her eyes. Reed is the only one who does not wear an expression, but when he sees my smile, he nods at me and smiles respectfully at Gideon.
Gideon’s beaming smile is enough of an answer, but he still stands to formally accept his new position. He makes his way to the queen’s side where he lowers himself to one knee and bows his head courteously. She stands gracefully and places one hand to the top of his bent head. “Do you accept the position that I have offered you, Gideon?” she asks softly.
“Yes, my queen. I do.” His voice is strong and sure when he answers.
“Then you may rise. Your new title from this day forward will be Second in Command of the Seelie army.” She smiles proudly at him when he rises and meets her gaze.
We all clap and cheer, equally as proud as the queen is of our new leader. As happy as I am at this moment, stray thoughts of Rho — and the possibility of losing one of the Fae in this room during another battle with the Unseelie — makes me uneasy.
I glance at Reed again and see that he is studying me with a look of concern. All I can do is offer him a reassuring smile, knowing that he probably senses my wariness.
A shiver works up my spine at our ability to understand each other without words. I remember the other times this has happened and realize that it seems to be happening more often. Unsure of the meaning, it scares me a little. A quick thought that I should discuss it with my mother passes through my head, but I decide against it. I do not wish to concern her, and now is not the time anyway. There are more pressing matters to attend to. Like killing Damien.
“Okay. So now we have a new second in command…” I grin over at Gideon. “…and a basic plan. Let’s discuss the day-to-day training schedule for now. Once we are all ready, we will make a new plan to train the rest of the guards. I would like to have you guys all up to speed within the week. Does that sound good?”
Willow wrinkles her nose at my word choice.
“I would like to make sure we all know what is going on,” I clarify.
Everyone agrees and is eager to begin training. We finish our breakfast and then, as a team, head to the training room.
Chapter Seven
Time goes by as it should in the Fae world — it is all a blur.
I spend my time training and strategizing with my friends, giving them the tools they will need to train the mass army of the Seelie Court. We do not discuss a deadline or a timeframe for the invasion of the Unseelie Court. When the time comes, and everyone is trained properly with the knowledge I have of the enemy Court, we will know. Until then, it is endless days of battle training.
Willow’s training is the priority for Gideon and Holly. They work with her often to help improve her fighting skills. She has turned out to be a quick study and a fierce warrior. I would never send her out into battle alone or on the front line, but I have no doubt she could hold her own in a fight. This is a relief to me as well as to my friends. As much as I refuse to hold her back, I fear as much as the others for her life. Rho’s death was more than enough pain for all of us to last a lifetime. Losing another friend would be the end of us all. Watching her fight with Gideon and Holly now, you would not know that she was a delicate young servant only weeks before. The queen also sent over one of her best healers to work with Willow on her spells and magic. She was very strong before, but now I would not hesitate to label her as a healer as well. She knows more than most
and will prove to be quite an asset when we storm the Unseelie Court.
Reed has been another quick study, as I knew he would be. He had already proven himself to me time and time again, but now he has had the chance to do so with those of the Seelie Court. He has succeeded, no longer referred to as Halfling, but only as Reed. His sparring partners are only Gideon or Thorne, and when I stop to observe them, none of them hold back. Reed is as strong as the two of them, causing each training session to end with a draw. With each day, I can also see the physical changes in Reed. His muscles are beginning to bulge and tone. Now and then I stop to catch myself so that I am not caught staring at the utter beauty of him when he is fighting.
Now is one of those times. I shake my head, snapping my attention away from him. When I turn, it is to see Holly smirking at me with a knowing look. This is not the first time Holly has caught me, and I long ago gave up pretending otherwise. I shrug one of my shoulders and swipe at her with my dagger. She chuckles as she blocks me.
The relationship between Holly and me has changed as well. We developed a much better understanding of each other over the past few days. I still do not understand the full extent of her relationship with my mother or what transpired between her and my best friend, but I get her, and she gets me. I would not call us friends exactly, not in the way Rho and I were or in the way Willow and I are now, but we respect each other, and I know without a doubt that she will always watch my back. That is good enough for me.
As for Gideon and Thorne, they are just the same — strong, determined, fierce, and loyal. They have done everything I have told them without one question. Through their training, they have proven to be two of the strongest Fae in the Seelie Court, even if they are younger than most.
Our team is proving to be a mighty force. And as the days go by, and we grow stronger, my need to kill Damien grows with it.
Overall, everything has gone as perfectly as I had originally planned. The only thing I had not planned were the dreams and odd interactions with Reed.
Every night since the fight with Damien, I have dreams that in some way involve Reed. I wake up knowing I thought of him in my sleep, but I still cannot remember them fully. Only flashes and glimpses of what they were is all I can recall. We both seem to have a keen sense for one another as well. If I am feeling a bit more fatigued than usual, he is there with water just when I need it. It is the same for me — when he is exhausted or worried, or even when he is happy. I also know every time he is looking at me. Although I have not discussed this with him or anyone else, the feelings are growing stronger, and the bond between us seems to be intensifying daily. As much as I know I will need to approach him about it soon, I have to admit that my fear more than anything else has been what is stopping me. I am scared of what he will think, or that it may only be in my mind.
I do not know what I would do if the bond I have felt between us is only one-sided.
Thankfully, I am pulled from my wandering thoughts when my mother enters the training room.
All fighting stops, and weapons are lowered. Everyone gives a slight bow of their heads to show their respect. Over the last few days, I have begun to break everyone from this habit when I enter the room, but such a thing will never happen with my mother. I even find myself giving a slight bow of my own head when she looks at me, but it is paired with a smile that she returns. She gives me a look that I am beginning to understand all too well. It is one that says she wishes to speak with me.
Although she has given me free rein on the training, she has made a point to stay well-informed of what is, has, and will happen. I cannot blame her; this is her Court, but I shake my head at her inability to allow anyone to take over completely, even me.
“Everyone, keep going. Today is our last day before we begin training the others. If there are any questions or concerns, make sure we address them before the end of the day.” I glance around, making sure I receive a nod of acknowledgement from everyone before continuing. “I would also like to discuss our plan for tomorrow over dinner tonight. Is that okay with everyone?” Of course, they all nod in agreement. The six of us have dined together for every meal since we returned from the Unseelie Court, but I do not like to assume. The truth is, we have all grown even closer over the past few days, and none of us seem to be too far from each other at any given time. Usually something like that would feel restricting or smothering, but the companionship has been very nice and reassuring. I hate the weakness, but I care dearly for all these Faeries and feel the sacrifice is worth it.
“Good. I will meet you all at dinner.” I sheath my daggers securely at my thighs and grab a towel to wipe the sweat from my face and neck. As I walk to my mother’s side, I feel Reed’s eyes on me the entire time. I do not acknowledge the feeling until right before we exit the training room, then I turn to meet his eyes with a shy smile. He returns the smile with a confident, bright one of his own before I exit the room and follow my mother down the corridor.
There is a tiny female servant waiting just outside the queen’s chamber door with a tray in her hands. On it is a pitcher with cold sugar water and a tray of sweet, freshly-baked cookies. My mother opens the door, and I follow her in, the servant on my heels. She scurries to the sitting area and places the tray on the table before pouring the water into tiny teacups.
“Poppy, would you like anything else? I figured water would be best after the training, and something sweet to snack on would be good as well, but if there is something else you would like, Ivy can get it for you.”
I smile politely at both of them as I take my seat across from my mother’s favorite chair. “No, thank you. This is perfect.”
As Ivy finishes preparing the small snack, I look around. The sitting room is much like the rest of the castle. The colors are bright and warm, very inviting. Cold, marble floors are covered with plush rugs and the walls are covered with paintings of the two of us when I was a small child. Each painting is beautiful, and I find it hard not to get lost in them every time I enter this room. The furniture is all plush and inviting as well, nothing like the hard-backed, stiff chairs of the Unseelie Court. Fresh flowers cover almost every flat surface and give the room an earthy, sweet aroma. I have been here at least once a day since Damien’s attack. Most probably assume it is to discuss battle plans or strategies, but that is far from the truth. This is what I have come to call “mother-daughter time”. As much as I may say it in a mocking way, I enjoy it very much. It is probably one of the best parts of my day.
The soft snick of the door closing behind Ivy brings me back to the present, and I focus on my mother. She sits in her favorite chair, a plush, oversized pink chair with delicate, tiny, white flowers all over the fabric. The chair is so large it seems to swallow her up when she sits in it. Even with that, she still manages to sit delicately with her tiny teacup in her hand and the matching saucer, piled with cookies, balanced on her leg. She looks at me, as she always does, with a mixture of love, pride, and wonder in her eyes. I know that she has not quite let herself believe that I am here with her, every day. I know this because I feel the same way.
Following her example, I pick up my cup and saucer as well. I have not seemed to master the handling of these delicate objects quite as well as my mother, but I am proud to say that I have made great improvements. The first day, I broke the cup. On my second attempt, I dropped all of my cookies on the floor. Now, at least, I can get everything from point A to point B without a disaster. I still refrain from trying to balance anything on my lap. Instead, I hold everything firmly with two hands at all times. My mother’s giggle breaks the silence as she watches me do this, and I cannot help but to laugh myself.
“Don’t worry, my sweet. You will get it. Being dainty and girly is not natural to you, but if you keep trying, it will come to you eventually.” I look up to see her trying to stifle a laugh. She knows that I have no desire to be either dainty or girly. I shoot her a mock glare that is cancelled out by my smile, but I cannot help it. The little
pet names she has started to call me have grown on me. She only does it when we are alone, but it means more to me than I ever imagined it could.
She waits a moment longer for me to get situated, and then she speaks again, “So how was your day, darling?”
“Good. Everything is coming along great. The others are ready to begin with the next stage of training. I am also enjoying the time we all get to spend together and getting to know everyone better. It is so nice to have friends for once.”
Yes, I have become very open and comfortable with my mother in a very short period of time. I have learned a great deal from the past few weeks and from my mistakes. Regret is not something I want to live with; I already do with Rho. Our time was good, and we became very good friends, but I know now that it could have been better if I would have allowed myself to open up with her more. I have no intention of making that mistake twice.
I see a flicker of sadness in my mother’s eyes, but she quickly replaces it. She feels guilty for the life I have had and sad that I did not have what she wished for me, but I do not say anything. I will only be wasting my breath trying to convince her that it is not her fault and that my life was not all bad. Instead I divert her attention.
“How was your day? Anything new happen?”
“Of course not. What could happen to me?”
“Well…” I begin slyly. “Maybe you met someone.”
“Who?” she asks completely and utterly baffled.
I cannot help but to laugh.
“You know? Someone?” I wiggle my eyebrows at her suggestively and take a bite of my sugary cookie. It is heavenly.
My mother, on the other hand, chokes on her drink. “What in the Faery Land are you talking about? I am queen; I do not…meet people. That is just…well…” She trails off helplessly, not knowing what to say. I decide to rescue her from having to come up with anything to say.
“I was just kidding. But you know, it would not hurt if you…you know, had someone.” I shrug to let her know that I am not concerned, just making a statement.